



黄博博士讲师特聘副教授海外优秀人才2014荣获英国胡弗汉顿大学土木工程专业学士2016荣获英国曼彻斯特大学工程项目管理硕士2021荣获英国兰卡斯特大学工程专业博士学位。博士期间2020年英国混凝土研究领域最高博士奖项Adam Neville prize,2021年兰卡斯特大学金奖2020-2021英国兰卡斯特大学从事博士后研究工作近年来发表SCI论文余篇(Composite StructuresConstruction and Building Materials》、《Composites Part B: Engineering参与国际自然科学基金项目2项(欧盟委员会地平线 2020玛丽居里学者基金欧盟地平线计划2020安全欧盟)英国皇家学会自然科学基础重点研究计划项目1国家自然科学基金面上项目1在工程学相关领域指导十余位本科硕士研究生毕业设计主要教授课程包括建筑工程测量工程热力学概论,材料力学与高等数学多次受邀参与国际知名土木工会议专题讲座例如:International Conference on Composite Structures,多次协助组织国际和地区学术研讨会议例如:IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing




[1]英国皇家学会。利用智能混凝土实现建筑的低碳供暖和制冷, 2020 -2022, 研究经费£12,000.00, 任研究骨干合作导师: Prof Mohamed Saafi

[2]欧盟地平线计划2020玛丽居里学者基金:源自食物垃圾的生物材料,作为为下一代多功能建筑基础设施设计环保,智能和高性能水泥复合材料的绿色途径 (编号:799658), 2018-2020究经费 195 454,80,任研究骨干。合作导师:Prof Mohamed Saafi

[3]欧盟地平线计划2020安全欧盟:可持续,可访问,安全,有弹性和智能的城市路面,(编号:7650572018-2022。研究经费 273 287,88 任研究骨干。合作导师:Prof Mohamed Saafi



[1]Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Fullwood, N., Lambert, C., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2021. 2D bio-based nanomaterial as a green route to amplify the formation of hydrate phases of cement composites: Atomistic simulations and analytical characterization. Construction and Building Materials, 299, p.123867.

[2]Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Ye, J. and Lambert, C., 2020. Carrot-based covalently bonded saccharides as a new 2D material for healing defective calcium-silicate-hydrate in cement: Integrating atomistic computational simulation with experimental studies. Composites Part B: Engineering, 199, p.108235.

[3]Chi, Y, Huang, B*, Xu, M. and Liu, S. Exploration and Enlightenment of the Teaching Mode of Engineering Thermodynamics -Take Lancaster University (UK) as a Case Study, Education and teaching Forum, 2020

[4]Hasan, H., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Sun, J., Chi, Y., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2019. Novel engineered high performance sugar beetroot 2D nanoplatelet-cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 202, pp.546-562.

[5]Cai, H., Ye, J*., Wang, Y., Saafi, M., Huang, B., Yang, D. and Ye, J*., 2020. An effective microscale approach for determining the anisotropy of polymer composites reinforced with randomly distributed short fibers. Composite Structures, 240, p.112087.

[6]Ye, J., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Saafi, M., Jia, F., Huang, B. and Ye, J*., 2020. Failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composites subjected to coupled thermo-mechanical loading. Composite Structures, 235, p.111756.

[7]Saafi, M*., Gullane, A., Huang, B., Sadeghi, H., Ye, J. and Sadeghi, F., 2018. Inherently multifunctional geopolymeric cementitious composite as electrical energy storage and self-sensing structural material. Composite Structures, 201, pp.766-778.

[8]Zhou, Y., Wu, G*., Wang, S., Huang, B., Wang, F. and Wang, Z., 2021. Thermal stress performance of glazed units contained phase change material. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, p.01445987211015366.

[9]Huang, Z*., Liang, T., Huang., B, zhou, Y. and Ye, J. 2021. Ultra-lightweight high ductility cement composite incorporated with low PE fiber. Construction and Building Materials, 312, p.125430.

[10]Ye, J., Hong, Y., Liu, L., Cai, H., He, W., Huang, B., Saafi, M., Wang, Y. and Ye, J*., 2021. Microscale damage evolutions in fiber-reinforced composites with different initial defects. Composite Structures, p.114856.

[11]Cai, H., Ye, J., Shi, J., Wang, Y., Shi, Y., Huang, B., Xu, Y., Saafi, M. and Ye, J., 2021. A new two-step modeling strategy for random micro-fiber reinforced composites with consideration of primary pores. Composites Science and Technology, p.109122.


[1]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of bio-Engineered cementitious composites for sustainable construction, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -6th July 2017.

[2]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of smart cementitious composites for sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -6th July 2017.

[3]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. The influence of bio-nanoplatelet(BNP) additions on the performance of cement paste, 2018 Lancaster University international Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 12th May 2018.

[4]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Waste bioextracts for the development of cement composites, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 4th 5th July 2018.

[5]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Investigating the cementitious composite drying behaviour through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis, 2018 Lancaster University international Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 18th May 2019.

[6]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Novel engineered high performance sugar beetroot 2D nanoplatelet- cementitious composites, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 3rd -4th July 2019.

[7]Huang, B, Saafi, M*, Chi, Y and Ye J. Hydration of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites (2D Sugar beetroot nanoplatelets), The 22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS22) and 1st Chinese conference on composite structures (CCCS1), Wuhan University, China, 31st October - 3rd November 2019.

[8]Huang, B, 25th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'19) organising assistant, Lancaster University, UK, 5-7 September 2019

[9]Huang, B, Development of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites for Sustainable Construction, The 2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize in Cement and Concrete, University of Leeds, UK, 19th November 2020.

[10]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Carrot-based covalently bonded saccharides as a new 2D material for healing defective calcium-silicate-hydrate in cement: Integrating atomistic computational simulation with experimental studies, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 1st -2nd July 2020.

[11]Huang, B, Hydration of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites(2D veg-root nanoplatelets), The academic report guest of honour, Shenzhen University, China, 26th June 2020.

[12]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Exploration and Enlightenment of the Teaching Mode different between UK and China, Lancaster University 2021 Education Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 7th -8th July 2021

[13]Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of new lightweight aggregate through Brine purification mud and washed plant sand, Postgraduate Research Conference 2021, Lancaster University, UK, 17th July 2021


[1]Dan: Recycle foam and polyester fibre additives in cement paste and mortar, July 2020.

[2]Thomas: Novel engineered high-performance carrot 2D nanoplatelet- cementitious composites, July 2020.

[3]Lees: Sugar beet 2D nanoplatelet affects on Polymer Matrix Composite Materials tensile properties. July 2019

[4]Jack: Multi-scale mechanical and fracture characteristics and early-age strain capacity of high-performance carbon nanotube/cement nanocomposites, June 2019.

[5]Chris: Investigating the drying behaviour of cement mortar through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis, June 2018.

[6]Gullane: Inherently multifunctional geopolymer cementitious composite as electrical energy storage and self-sensing structural material, June 2018

[7]Oliver: Investigation of Corrosion and Cathodic Protection in Reinforced Concrete, June 2017.

[8]Ellie: Enhanced properties of graphene geopolymeric composite epoxy, June 2016.


[1]2018年兰卡斯特大学优秀学生大使与全球宣传大使(Lancaster University student ambassador and Global promoting ambassador)

[2]兰卡斯特大学2019年研究生学院与校级会议学术旅行奖金(Graduate college and School conference Travel Grant

[3]2020年英国最佳混凝土研究领域最佳博士学位奖项亚当-内维尔奖(2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize for the national PhD

[4]2021年兰卡斯特大学兰卡斯特金奖(最佳毕业生)(Lancaster Award - Gold

[5]英国高等教育协会(HEA)认证研究员(Associate Teacher Program









